Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Will Sandusky Serve??

Question of the day, what will Sandusky serve?  I have been feeling lately as if this whole pedophile problem which plagues PA has lately been getting swept under the rug.  Now I read that the state is asking the judge (which one, Idk) to reclassify this monster as a sexually violent predator.  So, my other question is, does this mean that this worthless vermin WON'T spend the reminder of his days here incarcerated???  Does this mean that the pedophile sympathizers which run this state (as many are sitting judges) will let this piece of worthless shit out????

Wake me when Yellowstone erupts, for I simply cannot take, not a single more win for the bad guys.  Not anymore, and not again.

May Godbless all of those affected and harmed by the vermin pedophiles which plague the earth and let us find hope and salvation in the fact the God does witness it all.  Even if we don't feel like we win here, we surely will win on the otherside.

"No Bullet's Can Stop Us Now......"


Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Mom, PP

Even though I may not have come directly from her, I am becoming more and more like her each day.  And never does a day go by that I don't wish I could see her, and hear her, even though I know she's with my all the time.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Penn State's Accreditation in Jeopardy

Now, I can assure you many will feel that for Penn State's accreditation to be in jeopardy because of the Sandusky case, is unjust, however, from what I know, and from just how many of their alumni have been a part of keeping these secret pedophile rings afloat and a secret, I DO feel that it would be just.

From what I have found, many of the people who are in positions of power within the state, such as sitting judges, DA's, they are all alumni of Penn State.  THUS, many that I know of personally, helped perpetrate and cover up this satanic epidemic.

I feel it would be beyond a good thing if Penn State were to lose their accreditation (although it is highly doubtful they will).  And, it would hit them where it hurts.  In their beloved state Uni, in the wallet, in their pride and above all, it would most certainly now, effect their positions.    Because remember, this is a club which we are not privy to, and it must be dismantled.  The End.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Just As I Thought To Call It A DAY>...

This little Gem popped up on my screen, and BOY does it make me smile again.....

Sandusy was sharing his victim's with other high rollers.  Now, of course I am not happy about THAT......but what I am happy about is, if you've been reading my blog, well, we've long known that this was a truth.  So, THAT is what I am gleemingly (made it up) happy about.

Ah, what will it be like when the mighty fall......

***Might I add....this "breaking news" story,which is even on Radaronline, isn't even on the online news channel's for our area.  Maybe "the truth" (that the most perverse live HERE) is hitting a bit too close, eh?

On a different, but possibly same note, there was also an article which stuck out to me too.  IT was about the drastic surge in kids committing suicide in Delaware.  Now here's the thing.  The people who I know who are at the heart of this Penn State pedo ring ish, ALSO are huge real estate stock holders in DE (hence why our attorney said pick any state to leave to except DE). my concern is, how do we know that these kids haven't as well been used as sex objects for the rich.  You've got to remember, these men entice them with gifts and money, being their friends, and before they know it, the kids OWE them.  And how do they pay, with their bodies.  These men care nothing of these kids, or of any of their victims, all they care about is their own sick perversions.

I'm not saying it's a definitive link, but there's enough links for this connection to be looked into.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Another Score For Team Good!!

Well, THIS was Great news to come across on my phone as I was about to hit the tread.  :) :) :)

Another International child-porn sex ring has been uncovered.  It's being called, Operation Holitna, after a river in Alaska with MANY tributaries by ICE, because as they said, it's like a sweater being unraveled.  One arrest leads to another and so on and so forth.

THE BEST thing about this article, aside from these child rapist's going about the lengths the ICE agents are going to in order to identify the children.  Such as, examining the room, with the carpet, and bed spread, AND narrowing what day it was by what episode was on the tv in the background.  GODBLESS them.  Seriously, their dedication and perseverance makes me get teary eyed and I'm not even joking.  Because THEY ARE saving children's lives.

The fucked up thing though, and regardless of what people will say, is that if we were to get truthful, inherent racism has certainly played a role in this disgusting reality.  And I say that because look at all of the men's pictures who have been arrested so far.  YUP!  White and thus, hiding IN PLAIN SITE.

ANyway....let's keep these busts coming, because as the article noted, there are more and more people creating, sharing and downloading this crap as each day progresses.  And yes, I do feel that also to blame is the desensitization everyone seems to have towards sex these days, via porn all over the internet.  For already perverse minds, that has certainly helped create this perverse problem of satanic proportions.

To the ICE agents.....keep on rocking.  With each save your halo glows a bit brighter. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wow....Just, Wow

Now I was told a few weeks ago, (before I gave it over to God) and I was crying to an absolute stranger to me about my family's plight, when she looked at me and said, "Hang tight.  Investigations are being done.  And here, in this county."  I did believe her because usually, whenever I share our story, I am either laughed at  -yes, LAUGHED at, or shushed up and the convo is changed immediately.  So for this woman to not bat an eye, look me dead in the face and tell me to just hang on and hold tight, was albeit uplifting, but also shocking.  And also when my local pd heard that my child's rapist was free and why he was set free, and that my own attorney advised us to leave the state before the end of our pfa as, "there's no winning for us here," they shook their head in disgust, disbelief, made sure to let me know they did everything within their power to do what was right (which I do know) and said, "well I can't tell you what's going on, but there are things going on behind the scenes."

Now, I was going to take down this blog because truth be told, I am going to write about this one day and don't want anyone to jack "our story," but I guess I should just "draft" those posts, because I just saw THIS on the front page of our local paper.

I know and have known since 2010 definitively that the Sandusky sh*t was Just the tip of the iceberg. I also know that one of THE most profitable pimps, child pornographer's lives and is from this county (he pays for EVERYTHING for my child's rapist.....including the family judge on our case, and it seems the head of judges as well).  He isn't the A-typical black pimp, but a clean cut (but still ABSOLUTELY SICKENING) white man, who has lived in this closed community of a county his whole life.

I know he is trafficking humans.  He also traffics illegal drugs and not to mention, he also set's up people for marriage for green cards (my child's rapist married a woman to get her a green card....and lied about even being married, under oath, to which I proved to the court, and like everything else he has done, with this being the least cringe-worthy, nothing was done).

I pray the authorities bust the shit out of all of these men, and women who are supporting AND PROTECTING this man and his cronies.  As most of them took on jobs to where they PURPORTED to protect the community but are doing quite the opposite of just that.  Not only serving up kids, to the wealthy for sex, but they are also making a mockery of those who ARE doing their jobs, like the local police departments, and children and youth employee's.

I can tell you, if you ARE looking for help from a situation like this, AVOID any and all things in the City of Lancaster.  That includes the cops, the YWCA, the DA office, and the majority of the court (not all judges have been bought......but some of the most powerful).  Seek help from the smaller police departments.  They will help you.  Seek help from children and youth.....but this smug idea that Lancaster is a beacon of Christian and conservative values, No way JOSE.  I am truly both, and I can assure you I wouldn't EVER treat anyone, regardless of marital status, financial stature, race, religion, etc the way I as a single mother of a victim have been treated, nor how other Hispanic single parents have been treated (witnessed with my own eyes).  As they way we were treated was purely Satanism at it's finest.  Forcing a parent to hand their kids over to their rapists, even with ALL the proper proof that it was no longer an acceptable measure IS nothing more then pimping from behind the bench AND Satanism at it's Core.

Godbless the kids, Godbless the parents who are fighting tooth and nail to protect those kids, and Godbless those who are in the proper positions of authority who are finally willing to put their own asses on the line to rid the other powerful and sick people from their now, unwarranted positions of authority.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's JULY 23!!!!!

                                                         HAILE SELASSIE I

                                                             JO JO DANCER


without both of you, I am nothing.  And both love me more than anyone else will ever.  I LOVE YOU both.  Truth- BOTH of you make JAH SUN shine for me everyday.  Even through the clouds and rain.


Has anyone else read this?  A young girl in Louisville, Kentucky is under the THREAT of going to jail all because she ousted her rapists AFTER they were given a sweet plea deal by the DA.

Now.....these kids were all at a party together, when the child in question passed out drunk.  And when she was passed out, these two underage PUNKS had sex with her, AND documented the crime.  The child in question didn't find out until MONTHS later as she came across some of the incriminating pics.  #1, CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!!!  #2, MY child's rapist did the same, exact thing to me.....and he then went on to rape HIS OWN CHILD.  So guess what, this wasn;t just kids being kids, or boys being boys.  These are possible pedophiles in the making AND as well they are already RAPISTS before their 18th birthday, the pieces of shits.

If this child is jailed for speaking the truth and for outing these monsters, we must protest.  I certainly will, and I know of five other girls and women ready to roll.

I am tired of the victims pushed to feel shame and to "keep it quite" all in the name of protecting the perps.  The punk rapists should feel shamed, the judge should be ashamed, the DA should be ashamed and the defendants attorney's should be ashamed.  BUT, sadly far too often than not, out judicial system protects the rights more of the defendant than that of the victim.  And its a GODDAMN shame that must end.

May Godbless this child.  And girl, I salute you.  You've got a lot of people who have your back, and YES what you did was right.

WE can NEVER quote this Bob Marley line enough, "The truth is an offence, but not a sin.  Is he(or she) who laughs last, is he (or she) who wins."  Our time has come.   Love to you ( all the vic's who have been shitted on by our failed system) and stay strong.



The contempt charges have been dropped against this child, and the defendants attorney said it had NOTHING to do with the 62000 people who signed the petition (ok).  But either way.  Thank God.  We (team GOOD) won another one, countless more to go.  Great job to all involved, especially the child who spread the WORD.

Bless and Praise Jah :) 7/23 AMEN

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Don't Ask Me Where I've Been - WAY DOWN

17 And the effect of righteousness will be PEACE, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust FOREVER  (Isaiah 32:17)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Now?

Yeah, I'm happy with the ex-FBI findings of child abuse cover-ups at Penn State but what now?

What about the judges, the DA's, who were Penn State alumni who helped with the cover ups?  Will they be exposed?  Will they lose their jobs?  Will they lose their pensions?  Doubtful.

So yes I am happy this horrible secret society of sorts is being exposed, but not happy enough.  What about someone like me who had/has to battle these monsters?  I'm losing my house over my mere protecting of my child.  What about those who had even less than I did to begin with?  WHAT ABOUT US?????????

And please let it be known, Children and Youth were great, they did their job, my local PD did their job, it was the judges (not all but certainly two) who failed us and unless I can get out of here within the year, will probably fail us again.  As I now really will have NOTHING to spend for attorney fees for my child's protection.  And if you think I am making a mountain out of a molehill, just remember, before this Sandusky shit broke, and it was merely rumor, a rumor which mind you was scoffed, well....let's just say, what was that rumor.  Oh yes!  That Second Mile was pimping out kids to the highest donors.  WELL, which county routinely gave THE most to the Second Mile.....again drum roll please, LANCASTER COUNTY.  Toppled that with the fact that the person with whom my child's rapist lives with is a well known purveyor of perversions, if you catch my drift (and a drug dealer, BUT also a legit biz man -words from the cops).

So, for me to be angry, is justified.  For me to feel that those who presided over my court battles, and those who ordered the criminal charges dropped on my child's rapist (again, who would have such a power of authority.....maybe the head of judges, just saying) are connected to helping perpetrate this obscene cover-up isn't as far fetched as one would like to presume.

I, at this point would be happy to see these men (and women) have their faces, shamed, their families left broke, even destitute and I would like for all the children still stuck being used as sex objects for the rich, SAVED, as indeed my child is (for now).

I just wish that all of you could just come with me to the victim witness room for one day, to hear the stories of other parents, who are in similar situation.  Situations so preposterous you wouldn't believe them.  But their stories are all true. And might I say after listening to their stories and what they've been through and are still going through, you too would be so outraged you'd probably want to burn down the whole courthouse (but I must give it to the Lord, as I promised Him yesterday.  I hand them over to Him -Praise Jah a.k.a Praise God).  And lastly, I pray nothing of this sort ever happens to you.

Thank you and GODBLESS

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We Reap What We Sow

I'm sure everyone has heard of the influx of "zombie" attacks.  People high on bath salts or on synthetic marijuana going nuts.  But here's the thing, the only reason herb is illegal and very much public enemy #1 (as more than half of all arrests yearly are for herb, more than rape, robbery, crack possession, etc) is because if it were to become legal, as it should be, it would truly become free.  Free because anyone could grow it.  And it's not called "Weed" without reason, as it when unleashed can grow in abundance.  Good.

So here's my take, 'they" the big pharm companies, wanted to get their pay from this, so rather then free the cannabis plant, the sought to make their own, albeit a synthetic one (and we know how well that worked out with their opium -which is methadone and FAR worse for a human body than opium...try kicking from both, then talk to me).  But here's the thing, there will ALWAYS be more than enough people who will not ever use something natural like herb, but will ONLY use what the pharm companies are shilling to them.  So what's the big deal???  It's boils down to pure greed.  And really, how much money is enough????

With that said, let me leave you with a notion that I like to share with my fellow classmates, all former military who hate, and I mean HATE the Muslims because they are "terrorists."

"If we are so worried about the "terrorists," why?  Surely not because we fear of being converted, so then it's we fear of them killing us.  Well, let's compare side by side, deaths attributed to "terrorist" attacks since say 2001, and death attributed to pharmaceuticals.  Exactly.  Big Pharmecueticals have been killing us off in DROVES, on our soil, and NO ONE bats an eye.  It is to the degree that accidental prescribed  drug overdose deaths now  areTHE #1 cause of accidental deaths for adults in almost all of our states, far surpassing car accidents and accidental deaths from guns.  So wouldn't that make the pharmaceutical companies the true terrorists??"  

Usually, no one can say a thing afterward, and I've written so many papers on it, so I have the CDC reports to back up what it is I am saying.

People need to wake the fuck up.  Or don't, but how about you let me legally smoke my herb, or eat it, or ingest it how I may.  And I won't harp on you for killing yourself with synthetics. And as well, if I choose to forgo Western Medicine, which upsets you, how about you again, mind your own beeswax, as it doesn't bother me in the slightest that you run to the doctor for every hiccup.  Because if you don't stop soon, I am going to have to school you, as it's been YOU who've allowed them to do this to all of us.  With your blindly doing as you were told, never once, thinking for yourself.  I honestly, I resent that.  God gave us minds, please, for Godsake......let's start to use them.

"Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand and says, "don't you see."" -tgd

Thank you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jaycee Duggard

I'd like to take a moment to talk about someone whom I deem a true hero.  Maybe even more.  You see, I'd recommend her book as required reading to all girls, women and especially mother's, as gross at times as it may be, it's raw and it's the truth.  And the truth , "ain't" always pretty.

But what I'd really like to talk about is something my youngest said to me the other day on a walk.  We were walking and we passed an old church that had been converted over time into a home.  And we started talking about organized religion, and how men have tainted it, when she said that she feels Christ lives mostly within us women.  She said that, "women are the true beacons of God's love and His light."  It does make sense, I mean, we are the stronger of the sexes, we are much more multi-faceted then men are.  We can clearly think things through on a deeper and clearer level then men can, and we, like animals have a sick inner sixth sense, a grace if you will, that we've been trained and taught to loose.  But it got me thinking about Jaycee Duggard.   In her book, where she talks about how she felt and the things that she was thinking about in the days and years after her abduction, and one thing stuck out to me, she said, "better he do what he was doing, to me (her) she knew she had the strength to take it.  And she'd rather that, then he do it to some other child who couldn't."  It chokes me up to even write that, but how much more Christ like can one get???  She gave up of herself for the sake of others, Godbless.

But the kicker, her name, Jaycee - JC - Jesus Christ.

Now I'm not saying she is THE one, but what I am saying is there is the capability of Christ being within all of us, especially us women.  And let it not be lost or forgotten that it was the power of two women's guts which saved her, after countless times men failed her.  Not to mention (I've tried out for the force, I had a momentary lapse of reason, but filled with good intention, I wanted to bust those who make, distribute and profit from child pornography....but truth be told  I'd go even MORE nuts if I had to have my eyes see those sort of images.  I just couldn't), anyway, in the Police handbook it states that on Domestic calls, one is NOT allowed to "go with their gut."  But Thank GOD women forwent that stupid philosophy or we wouldn't be sitting here talking about one of the most important figures from this millennium.  Ms. Duggard's words must not be forgotten.  Everyone should read what she said.

Thank you for reading, and please Let's all try to be peaceful with one another.


Friday, June 29, 2012

I'm Just Curious **Updated***

Why is it that , my child's rape was allowed to go on for two years (between the ages of 6 and 8), because the perp was supposedly an, "informant," with the big wig dealer/legit biz man/white long time local/perp's sugar daddy being his roommate STILL, and I cannot find a lawyer to help me sue.

I have case in points where her visits should have stopped when I pulled up to a drug bust going down, but was told the warrant was "bad" because "cops cannot get a search warrant because they saw something illegal on private property."  That was what I was told, and that is wrong.

Or when I took him to court for contempt as he took my child out of state with this "sugar daddy" of his, even though there was a "no contact"  clause in our agreement about him as he had 3cnts of corruption of minor charges, and being as the judge refused to give a ruling (yes I have this all in court doc's) so my then 8 yr old had to suffer a final rape.

Is everyone in the state corrupt??  Is everyone on this biz guy/sugar daddy's payroll???  Because that is what it's beginning to feel like. me/us, PLEASE.

ONE LOVE....and please, Pray for Omama.  Pray some good will come from all of this.

Many Blessings


I had a reading a few months ago by Bill Philipps.  And he told me something others have told me, that I MUST release my anger I have towards all of those involved as it's keeping their fate from befalling them.  So as hard as it is, that is what I am trying to do.  I've put it out there, this post, my blog, even though I was forced to start it for a Psy class, has really been my vehicle for crying out, screaming really, of just how much pain I am in, and justifiably so (the kid had therapy, but what about me?  Aside from being being offered legal drugs -which not in a million years would I, there is/was nothing, nothing for me but to grit my teeth and try to walk bearing this weight).  So as of today, the end of the first week of July 2012, I am going to try to walk forward, without bearing the anger, or even the memory of all of this.  I aim to walk into the light, worrying only of each step of the mountain of success that I aim to climb.  Thus, everything, is going to be ok, no, everything IS going to be alright.

Thank you and GODBLESS, always.  ~ Love, the mama behind this machine

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Forgive Them Lord For THEY Know Not What They've Done

...and as sure as the sun's gonna shine, I'm gonna get my share, of what's mine.  

It's Amazing....

People can be total drunkards every night, or popping synthetic pharmaceuticals like they are going out of style, smoking tobacco and littering the butts in public streets, and even be gluttonous with their sugary sweets......but Goddamn, I only like a little herb once in a while, usually via edible herb (marijuana) and I am fired for being a fucking PARIAH.

I guess, nothing will ever change.


Free herb.  And if you can't agree, I've nothing to say to you.  Because, enough IS enough.

To quote the late, great Dr. Martin Luther King in his Letters From a Birmingham Jail, “an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law or natural law.”  And that law is the criminalization of the Holy Herb. 


Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Constitutionality of Civil Confinement of Sexual Predators

There is much debate today about how to handle our, what seems like an influx of violent sexual predators as of late.   What has been in place in many states, initiating in Washington in the 1990s is civil confinement for those who after they have served their time, are still deemed a threat to society.  Many feel that this is an infringement on the perpetrator’s constitutional rights, yet what about the rights of the women and children in society?  When does and should one’s past behavior supersede their constitutional rights?  And what is the reason behind civil confinement for sex predators?  As of now, in regards to issuing such a hold on a person, the state is thus forced to impose and offer treatment.  However, if the reason for the person’s civil confinement is because they are a threat to society for the sole reason of their having a sick perversion and obsession which entails the sexual violation of another, which cannot be controlled and there has proven to be no cure, how can there ever thus be treatment? 

When we look at all the different aspects, the pro’s and the con’s concerning the civil confinement of sexual predators, there are many things which must be evaluated and as well, re-evaluated within the criminal justice system.  For case in point, much of the pro’s found against civil confinement is cost.  What is the cost, (about $100,000 per year per inmate) but if the reason and purpose behind civil confinement is because that person is deemed a major threat to society, then really, is there a price too high to pay to ensure the safety and lives of our children?   Of course not, the problem in which lies in how we handle crime and view crime.  We spend a countless amount of monies each year incarcerating many for non-violent crimes, crimes of which often carry heavy minimum mandatory sentences with them and those persons committed crimes which usually harmed no one but themselves.  And to say they harmed kids with their drugs is ludicrous as the USA is the most medicated nation in the universe where you won’t find it uncommon for dentists to prescribe methadone to a twelve year old for the pulling out of their wisdom tooth, or of another doctor prescribing a fifteen year old Percocet for cramps.  The point is, these people who are, when free,  out hunting prey, prey who are our mother’s, sisters daughters, and children, are really, so numerous in size, that they would keep the prison system business afloat solely on catching and keeping them,  as there is no cure for their addiction. 

In conclusion, it would be fair to say that being as the war on drugs is beyond an embarrassing and colossal failure, or scam depending on who you ask, it should be abolished, thus freeing up law enforcements time so they could go after those who deserve to be rotting in our prisons, like sexual predators.  We should rethink wasting our tax dollars on treatment for these usually habitual offenders, and save the treatment arm of corrections for those who have been only harming themselves with their addictions, such as drug addicts, prostitutes and petty thieves (whom are all too often adults survivor/victims of a sexual predator themselves).   As once a person crosses that moral behavioral line, they must then suffer the consequences.  When a person deems it fit to rape a child, they essentially, at that moment gave up their constitutional rights.  In fact, in my eyes, I feel they actually traded their "rights" when they violated that other non-consenting person. 

That's Omama's take.  What's yours?


Friday, June 22, 2012

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omama has NEVER been so happy to EAT HER WORDS, as ......


Omama is crying tears of joy for ALL those brave victims who took the stand, and all the others who couldn't.


And remember, "The truth is an offence, but not a sin.  Is he who laughs last, is he who wins."


p.s  Great Job!! ~ to those on the jury

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Everyone Thought I was Kidding

This is a gem.

So the defense hit a "gold mine" today in the Sandusly case by presenting a tape recording between ONE vic and two state troopers.  The defense is claiming that the vic was coerced into giving his statement.  Nice...but what about all the other kids?

Irregardless, I for one will only be shocked if this sicko goes to prison where he belongs.  But sadly, he's white, he's upper middle class, and he also seems to have an IN with the judge on the case already. In all sincerity, I CAN see him getting off.  But hopefully if that happens, the rest of the country and world will finally see what's been happening in PA.  And hopefully, the many voices together will do what none of us here have been able to, clean up the state of it's high ranking pedophiles, and their cronies who are prancing around free, and on the street.



Defense rests without calling that sicko Sandusky.  Closing arguments will begin tomorrow.  Will good win over evil???  I don't want to get my hopes up, but we shall see.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Modivated Blindeness"

Modivated Blindness.  Motivated Blindeness is what the experts are saying happened at Penn State.

People chose to look the other way.

Now, I'm not an expert at anything, especially blogging, so I would be the first to admit that there's no way I can even sum up what was said in this article about the Sandusky Affair, or the tip of the iceberg affair as I like to call it.

I know as a fact that this is just the beginning.  The amount of kids being harmed and allowed to be harmed in PA is unnerving.  Especially when many are the children of supposed, "disenfranchised" kids of us lowly single moms.  I know, because I am one and thus, my child was a victim of these perps in this ring for years.  Judges ignored Children and Youth findings in our case, and why?  DA's refused to prosecute after first agreeing prosecution was a must, and why?

The tenticles of Penn State go into every judges chamber in this state.  So when a judge has such a disregard for their own state's Children and Youth, I have to say I smell a rat, because there IS no other excuse.  And not to mention, Omama's gut radar is hardly ever wrong.  That's the worst part.

FBI - come to Lancaster County court house please in PA.  And let's end this "Motivated Blindness" once and for all, and really take care of our kids.  As the children ARE our future, and Lord knows, I've had enough of people like THEM (perverts in high ranking position who just do not care.  They don't care about our kids being sexually abused, nor do they care if that child would grow up and self medicate to numb the pain, because you and I both know, they'd be the first to lock them up and throw away the key.  You see, the scam is on us).

Please click on the link and read the article from today's Washington Post.  They win when we continue to turn our heads.

Evil, your time is up.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Law of the Sea Treaty

Ok.  Now I realize that this is a diversion from Omama's usual rantings but MY GOD!  These fucking bozo's ('scuse my French).  Omama awoke to C-Span which is right now airing the Law of the Sea Treaty hearings.  And what these bozo's, all cracka's mind you (I am so Goddamn pissed), what these bozo's are in there talking about are how we're going to get the "reserves" a.k.a OIL that is on the underground shelf in between the Philippines and China!!!???!!!!???  Are they fucking retarded?  Don't answer.  WE all know they are all nothing more then overgrown thirteen year old's merely playing dress-up, let's ALL cut the crap.

A few things.  #1 Why the Fuck would we even Entertain the issue of fucking with China?  They would decimate us.  #2 We are so Goddamn poor, (not morally speaking, for now, as we are) but financially because of these bozo's taking us to war for oil......have they forgotten?  Dumbo's.  And lastly, EVERY, SINGLE THING THAT WE GET FROM BLACK OIL, WE CAN GET FROM HEMP.  What, during WWII we forced farmers to grow it just for the sake of it?  Come on.  The time of these muther fucker's (because they ARE fucking each and every one of us mother's in the ASS, because they are putting whose kids on the line, every which way you look at it, OURS) killing us merely because of their own Goddamn greed needs to be fucking OVER.

What's the problem with hemp?  Nothing.  But if we American's put LIVING in front of everything, personal wealth, monetary gain, and decided to grow hemp, and utilize this glorious plant for ALL of it's natural uses, we would not only become a TOTALLY self-sufficiant nation, but we could also gain our independence from ALL the corporations which OWN US.

Remember, our nation has lost touch with the meaning of, In God We Trust, and we are rather, Under Corporations We ARE Owned.

And that, is my piece.

I am OUT


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Who Knew?

Well, Omama awoke to find her car had been broken into last night.  Yes, here in my Disney land set of a neighborhood. And actually, it turns out A Lot of my neighbors got hit last night, cars and houses, so I feel a bit better knowing I wasn't singled out.  But it was because of this, that I had to go and close my bank account (my checkbook was in the car).  And it was here that I was talking to my friend who is the bank manager, and in our convo he told me that he went to PennState.  So, obviously I asked him what he thought/felt about the situation going down there now w/ Sandusky and all the rapes, etc.  He said, it made him sick, but that also, he himself was in a football clinic here in our town, at the University (MU), AND Sandusky ran it.  OMG.  I say OMG, because the man who I know and my local pd and nearby city pd both know and have confirmed to be a pimp/drug dealer/legit biz man, well fact, he would recruit poor young boys (of age, but barely) via the internet, to send them to MU, for a price.  And that price meant you must pay back a certain way, with your it with sexual favors, or trafficking drugs across the country in Mercedes (I know this b/c I was privy to private convo's of these guys circa 2006).  This is fact, and this is why I never liked the guy.  You see, Omama has had a colorful life and for a part, spent a great deal of time, albeit over a decade ago, on the streets.  The streets of NYC and of SF/CA and Venice Beach/CA.  And  thankfully Omama picked up a gift on my sketchy travels where I can literally sniff out a pimp a mile away (it wasn't until years later that I found the illegal porn sites with this guys name attached, that's where Omama get's heated, when kids are involved...and yes the fuzz have the links).  Riddle me that.

So, the point is, up until now, I only had my gut going off, and my suspicions.  Now, I'm getting direct links.

You see why I'm glad other cars and homes were hit?  Because this mess is getting deep.



Sunday, June 3, 2012

Can Anyone Help

Hi.  I'm logging this back on.  I had taken it down because my child's rapist had filed a appeal for the PFA we had won for her (which is our state's term for a restraining order).  Here's the deal, my child was found to have been raped, by her father.  He never contested the finding.  He was going to be charged criminally, however after being held for over a year (he was on parole for drug trafficking, again, a crime which the judge on our case had NO problem with) and released and charged dropped because he supposedly passed a lie detector test (which is not only illegal, but unjust).  NOW, since the beginning of the new year, I have had to spend the money allotted for my taxes on lawyers ($5g) JUST to keep her legally from her rapist!  HOW IS THIS ACCEPTABLE?????

Now, usually we wouldn't worry.  However, the problem lies in the fact that my child's perp is very well connected.  His "roomate" is a well known drug and human dealer (concurred by TWO police depts) but he is white, clean cut, rich and LOCAL.  Not to mention, who do you think he is plying with fresh meat (aka KIDS).  Anyway, this roomie of my child's perp had 3cnts of corruption of minor charges against him for furnishing alcohol to minors (young boys), so there was a clause in my agreement that my then 8 yr old was not allowed to be with him.  WELL, when I took her perp to court for violating this, as he not only took her out of state without my knowledge, but took her to spend the weekend with him and this no contact guy, the judge looked at my former attorney and said, "I don't see what the big deal is."  He never came back with a ruling,  even though she had another scheduled visit for that weekend (this was a fri.  It took me two weeks to get in front of the judge.....and we cannot get another judge.  he's even on the state's family court panel).  My child ended up having to spend another weekend with her perp and it was after that final visit that she ended up coming forward with what had been happening.  An yes, she was raped on that final visit.

So THAT is why we (myself, my daughter and our new attorney) don't want to go in front of this same judge.  Because HOW can THE supposed most conservative judge in the county find it acceptable, any of this, unless he too is in cahoots.

End, of discussion.

Oh, and lastly, because the very first time my kid came home with marks on her body was actually in 2008 when she was 6.  But here's the kicker, two months prior, on a schedule visit, I went to pick her up from her perp/s (who is also her bio dad if you haven't picked up on that yet) when there was a "drug" bust going down.  He had 65 marijuana plants growing in his back yard.  The neighbors called it in and when the cops arrived they too could see the plants from looking down the side of the row home.  I was told that it was because of this (the cops SEEING the plants) that the warrant was thrown out, thus I wasn't allowed to stop her visits.  HOWEVER, I just took a criminal justice class, and found not only is that NOT true, but it is in fact quite the opposite, that cops CAN get a warrant if the see something illegal on private property.

So, again....something or someone is DIRTY in Lancaster County courthouse, PA.  And my judge on my case, his initials are D.W and his hands, I guarantee, are filthy.   IF it walks like a duck (or 'scuse me, child rapist sympathizer/protector).............

/I am sorry that this is written poorly (I am upset and if I edit I may delete and then they continue to win)
//If anyone can help, with idea's, media attention....we could use the help.  Not even over the corruption, but over the fact that in PA you loose your kids over getting busted for smoking a J (if you're not roomie's with town pimp), but you forcibly penetrate your child's vagina or anus, your're STILL good to go!!!!?????!!!!!!????  How is that acceptable?  It's not.   But until we right this wrong I am going to just accept that this world of ours, is hell.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Your Silent Face

I cannot get this out of my head lately.  So I thought I'd share!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's A Start

Well, it is a start.  A step in the right direction.  Lancaster County taking steps to change the way sex abuse crimes are handled.  However, to say that, as a woman quoted in the article states that she, "hadn't ever heard that such things existed, " I'd gamble more that she just wasn't aware that it wasn't acceptable behavior.  Women are still deemed less then here.  They are still thought of as merely being meant for the service of man.  And the younger the better.  One of the first things I was told when I moved here, (because I was five months pregnant) was something which stuck out to me as odd, but it was by an Ephrata Hospital OBGYN nurse who on my very first visit said, "You know the Amish men break in their daughters.  That's why they have so many kids with disabilities."  Honestly, no I didn't know this.  I had no idea.  I hadn't really even known of Amish people either aside from a National Geographic article I had read.  I grew up outside of NYC for Godssakes.   However, what I have found since I have lived here for over ten years now is, often the Lancastonians blame the prevalent acceptance of sex crimes against women and children on the Amish culture.  Whereas, I am finding and have found, this is a cop out on the local's part.  It's much deeper and far more widespread than that.

Again, the Sandusky case = the TIP of the iceberg.  Sad but true. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Maybe I Can Get to the Bottom of This

Well, my book came in today, "The German Pietists Of Provincial Pennsylvania."  It's about the Order of the Red Rose and it's effects on PA and subsequently, the rest of the US government.

It's going to be one hell of a read and I will update after, or maybe even as I read.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sandusky Judge Demands AG Hand Over Victims 411 **UPDATED

Unbelievable.  BUT, believable if you have dealt with PA judges when it comes to white, middle to upper class pedophiles.  They pander to them.  Today, the judge gave into the defenses wishes, granting access for them to now further investigate and interrogate the victims.

I for one will only be shocked if justice is actually served here and Sandusky finds himself spending the remainder of his days in a prison where he belongs.  I would also call for an investigation into the judge on the case, as he is definitely showing bias for the defendant.  Or at the very least, sympathy for his crimes.  Why?

PA could be a great state if we were to rid all the upper level chasms of entitled perverts from their high ranking positions.  For they routinely block real justice from taking place.


In a move no one was surprised by Sandusky's lawyer is asking Judge to drop all charges.  I will not be surprised if the judge relents.  I will only be surprised if this pervert spends the remainder of his days teaching his fellow inmates how to clean their privates.

Friday, March 2, 2012

In Light of the Now, Boy Scout Scandal........It's Back Up. Where There's Smoke, There's Fire

It's from the Lancaster Intelligencer (the county paper) circa 2004.  Nice!  I sincerely thought it was a joke at first.  For the first time ever I'm thankful my one friend is a hoarder. As he found this whilst trying to clean out his things last night, the whole paper.  And now this Gem is mine.

Again, remember, fact is always more strange and crazy than fiction.  Also remember how last March of 2011, when that sportscaster retold how he heard Second Mile were pimping out kids to the highest donors and he was laughed at.  Now realize and research, if you like, that the county in PA which gave THE most donations routinely by a landslide to the Second Mile, was.......drum roll please, the county that this paper holds the name of.  Well I'd say, again, Sandusky is the tip of the iceberg people and more investigations need to be done.  I know what's going on.  I know who's pimping, who's covering it up, etc.  Local pd knows who the big pimp is, (city pd are on his payroll and don't care), as do the local DA's, Judges, and even the downtown lawyers know what's going on, etc.  It's just that the national spotlight needs to shine down on this filth here in order to get  anything remotely positive done about this perverted and Satanic situation.  Oh, and how do I know these people know?  They told me.

Evil, your time is up!

Go in Peace & may Godbless

Sunday, February 19, 2012

And I'm Probably Going to be Taken Out For Posting This, but.....

I just found out that it is basically immoral and illegal for aggravated sexual assault charges (these were brought BEFORE the change in the definition of rape) to get "thrown out" by the DA because the perp supposedly passed a lie detector (this is what happened to my family).  Mind you, this is after the perp was found guilty by Children and Youth.  Not to mention that for over a year, the ADA and city detective had said they knew he had done it (there's really no denying it) and he was going away for 10-20 years.  This they maintained for over a year!!!!!

What makes me literally ill is thinking about who ordered the charges to be dropped.  As well as how many people in positions of authority, Detectives (who is a father), Assistant DA's and DA's (both of whom were women)went along with this, all to keep their jobs.  So essentially they are covering up some of the worst types of cases of human perversion, and doing it all for money.  Doesn't that make them then in a sense, nothing more then prostitutes??? And actually, I bet prostitutes would serve up a pedophile to the fuzz rather then protect one in a heartbeat.  Thus, I don't mean to offend the actual street prostitutes (many of whom were and are victims of abuse themselves), as I am merely jacking the word for use in the sense of selling yourself (soul, morals) for money.

I'm also ill because I also know, we can't be the only family that this has happened to or is happening to.

**I should also note that I had called the counties on either side of me and asked each judicial dept if charges of this sort could get thrown out by the perp passing a lie detector (well really I had called one for a good referral and simply was telling our story, when I was told that that was "simply impossible").  The other said, "it wouldn't and couldn't happen."  I had found out definitively Friday from someone in my county that indeed, we were given the shaft. The answer remains, why?  Who's behind this (I have my suspicions)? And who are all the other kids being harmed?  Because some of these people involved who would have the authority to call off such charges, and make such a violation and perversion of the justice system acceptable (in their evil eyes), also have the authority to take kid's from their parents, and do daily in their courtroom.  And that my friends is just COMPLETELY unacceptable.  

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cause For A Civil War

Ok.  I found out today, that in PA, even if Children and Youth found the parent guilty of Rape (as deemed by the new legal standards), the longest time a child can have the security of being kept from that parent is a maximum of three years!!!!  And thats at the judges' discretion.   The judge could order there not to be  PFA, or a 6 month one or an 18 month one, for the rape of a child!!!!  And yet, there are minimum mandatory guidelines in place which would send someone (usually inner city kids) to jail for a nickle bag of schwag, that's a joint of cheap low grade marijuana.  And I say usually inner city as the guidelines are for being in a school zone.  Well in a inner city, just about every block is in a school zone.

Problem number two.  I found out today that my state has found that jury's don't usually come back with guilty verdicts for white sex offenders.  Hmmmm.  Yet, some young Puerto Rican kid, or Mulatto they deem fit to find guilty for the big, bad drug called marijuana.

I am sick to death of this ass backward world.  Things don't need to change, THEY MUST.  And I'm not even going to say it's a white problem, but rather the colonialistic mentality which prevails that must end.  Fopr if it doesn't, well wait...that is not even an option.  To quote Ox from the film Belly, "YOU WANT WAR?" because they're about to get a war.  God willing

and GOD bless

One Love, One World, One Life -and our last chance.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pedophilia is Condoned in PA

Today Jerry Sundusky was granted visits with his grandkids.  So basically the Judge is in cahoots with this sick perversion that exists in PA.  Do I feel that maybe there is truth to the rumors that a high-up pedophile ring exists in PA?  Yes, I do.  And thankfully in reading the comments associated with the accompanying article, many others can see right through this judges decision.

I for one am not surprised.   Truthfully, I would have been surprised if the judge denied the visits.  I will also be SHOCKED if Sandusky is even convicted as they protect their own.

Again, what is happening in the great state of PA is far worse then even the Franklin Credit Scandal.  And my only wish and hope is, to have it get busted wide open.  And have the judges involved, exposed, the DA's who protected for the sake of their jobs (and maybe life) exposed as well.  Remember, nothing is more valuable than children to us parents and for totally different reasons to these sick pedophiles.  Do you have any idea of how much money is involved?  Child pornography, sexual slavery and child pimping are THE most lucrative things in the world.  Human trafficking brings in more money globally each year then illegal drugs AND the illegal weapons trade.  And a clear number isn't even available as government heads/employee's like to keep this dirty little secret, just that, a secret.  Why do you think they can tap Rahem's mother's house down in the hood, but NOT trace these illegal porn sites (by the time a warrant IS issued the sites already down).  Don't believe me, investigate it yourself.  Watch the film TRADE.  Child auctions are very much alive, well AND protected.  Visit  It's a sick, sick world.  We are at War.  It's truly us against them.  Those of us who wouldn't condone, nor commit such a heinous crime against a child nor protect one who did, and those who "don't see what the big deal is," to quote the judge on my child's case (whom might I add is deemed the most conservative in the county -my ass.  I AM a true conservative, not he).

However, I must have faith that their time is over and Good will prevail.  They may have unlimited amount of money at their disposal, but we've got God.  Right?  So let's end this sick Satanic perversion once and for all.


for further reading on trafficking

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

All Who Knew Or Heard and Didn't Believe Should Hang

So the school were told of this perversion and did nothing??  I am sure that some will now even come to his defense by saying this scumbag didn't violate these kids, and he was "just" playing.  We need to ask ourselves as a society what has happened that we would as adults, turn a blind eye to such perversions.

God help us all, and please Bless these and all children, for it's they who will become the adults here.

(And now do you see why I have lost faith in the majority of humans.)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why Is The Great State of PA So Corrupt?

Seriously.  Can someone riddle me as to why.  I've heard from others, such as the mayor of Dallas (via my birth mother) that I needed to look at it this way, "Who the hell goes to law school and chooses to practice in PA (not counting philly) unless you were from there to begin with?"  Good point.  It's the only thing I can sort of explain.  And it would account for the how's and why's the "good 'ol boy" network is still in play.

Last night on PCN I happened to catch the Q & A with the author, director and kids of R. Budd Dwyer.  The film, (which I had missed but is going to be on PBS 01/22 at 11:30pm and if I get my homework finished I will surely watch) they were there discussing is called, An Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer.

I'm sure everyone has seen the clip of Dwyer's televised suicide.  However, what he wanted to bring to light was just how deep the levels of corruption run in the state of PA.  WHY?  Why? WHY???  It's funny, because of all the places I've lived in my lifetime, this place is by far my most favorite.  It's scenery and beauty is beyond compare.  And yet what I've learned here, from what goes on and get's hidden by the natives of, say the county I am in, is Satanism at it's finest (but then again if you research The Order of the Red Rose, it is satanism at it's core.  You'll have to read The Monster of Florence to understand).  People tell me to leave, but why should I leave? Why can't we just shed light all the evil beings which live and breed here and put an end to it once and for all?

I'd also like for everyone to check out the site,  It's the author of the book this film was based on webs' site and man, does he go for the gold.  His investigative skills are beyond glorious and he really puts himself on the line by bringing attention to these crimes.

The levels of perversions which have corrupted this state run deep.   And it's the Children who are their fresh meat.  If anyone has any insight into why the state of Pennsylvania is so corrupt, please share your thoughts with me.

And may God (bless &) save this queen.