Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wow....Just, Wow

Now I was told a few weeks ago, (before I gave it over to God) and I was crying to an absolute stranger to me about my family's plight, when she looked at me and said, "Hang tight.  Investigations are being done.  And here, in this county."  I did believe her because usually, whenever I share our story, I am either laughed at  -yes, LAUGHED at, or shushed up and the convo is changed immediately.  So for this woman to not bat an eye, look me dead in the face and tell me to just hang on and hold tight, was albeit uplifting, but also shocking.  And also when my local pd heard that my child's rapist was free and why he was set free, and that my own attorney advised us to leave the state before the end of our pfa as, "there's no winning for us here," they shook their head in disgust, disbelief, made sure to let me know they did everything within their power to do what was right (which I do know) and said, "well I can't tell you what's going on, but there are things going on behind the scenes."

Now, I was going to take down this blog because truth be told, I am going to write about this one day and don't want anyone to jack "our story," but I guess I should just "draft" those posts, because I just saw THIS on the front page of our local paper.

I know and have known since 2010 definitively that the Sandusky sh*t was Just the tip of the iceberg. I also know that one of THE most profitable pimps, child pornographer's lives and is from this county (he pays for EVERYTHING for my child's rapist.....including the family judge on our case, and it seems the head of judges as well).  He isn't the A-typical black pimp, but a clean cut (but still ABSOLUTELY SICKENING) white man, who has lived in this closed community of a county his whole life.

I know he is trafficking humans.  He also traffics illegal drugs and not to mention, he also set's up people for marriage for green cards (my child's rapist married a woman to get her a green card....and lied about even being married, under oath, to which I proved to the court, and like everything else he has done, with this being the least cringe-worthy, nothing was done).

I pray the authorities bust the shit out of all of these men, and women who are supporting AND PROTECTING this man and his cronies.  As most of them took on jobs to where they PURPORTED to protect the community but are doing quite the opposite of just that.  Not only serving up kids, to the wealthy for sex, but they are also making a mockery of those who ARE doing their jobs, like the local police departments, and children and youth employee's.

I can tell you, if you ARE looking for help from a situation like this, AVOID any and all things in the City of Lancaster.  That includes the cops, the YWCA, the DA office, and the majority of the court (not all judges have been bought......but some of the most powerful).  Seek help from the smaller police departments.  They will help you.  Seek help from children and youth.....but this smug idea that Lancaster is a beacon of Christian and conservative values, No way JOSE.  I am truly both, and I can assure you I wouldn't EVER treat anyone, regardless of marital status, financial stature, race, religion, etc the way I as a single mother of a victim have been treated, nor how other Hispanic single parents have been treated (witnessed with my own eyes).  As they way we were treated was purely Satanism at it's finest.  Forcing a parent to hand their kids over to their rapists, even with ALL the proper proof that it was no longer an acceptable measure IS nothing more then pimping from behind the bench AND Satanism at it's Core.

Godbless the kids, Godbless the parents who are fighting tooth and nail to protect those kids, and Godbless those who are in the proper positions of authority who are finally willing to put their own asses on the line to rid the other powerful and sick people from their now, unwarranted positions of authority.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's JULY 23!!!!!

                                                         HAILE SELASSIE I

                                                             JO JO DANCER


without both of you, I am nothing.  And both love me more than anyone else will ever.  I LOVE YOU both.  Truth- BOTH of you make JAH SUN shine for me everyday.  Even through the clouds and rain.


Has anyone else read this?  A young girl in Louisville, Kentucky is under the THREAT of going to jail all because she ousted her rapists AFTER they were given a sweet plea deal by the DA.

Now.....these kids were all at a party together, when the child in question passed out drunk.  And when she was passed out, these two underage PUNKS had sex with her, AND documented the crime.  The child in question didn't find out until MONTHS later as she came across some of the incriminating pics.  #1, CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!!!  #2, MY child's rapist did the same, exact thing to me.....and he then went on to rape HIS OWN CHILD.  So guess what, this wasn;t just kids being kids, or boys being boys.  These are possible pedophiles in the making AND as well they are already RAPISTS before their 18th birthday, the pieces of shits.

If this child is jailed for speaking the truth and for outing these monsters, we must protest.  I certainly will, and I know of five other girls and women ready to roll.

I am tired of the victims pushed to feel shame and to "keep it quite" all in the name of protecting the perps.  The punk rapists should feel shamed, the judge should be ashamed, the DA should be ashamed and the defendants attorney's should be ashamed.  BUT, sadly far too often than not, out judicial system protects the rights more of the defendant than that of the victim.  And its a GODDAMN shame that must end.

May Godbless this child.  And girl, I salute you.  You've got a lot of people who have your back, and YES what you did was right.

WE can NEVER quote this Bob Marley line enough, "The truth is an offence, but not a sin.  Is he(or she) who laughs last, is he (or she) who wins."  Our time has come.   Love to you ( all the vic's who have been shitted on by our failed system) and stay strong.



The contempt charges have been dropped against this child, and the defendants attorney said it had NOTHING to do with the 62000 people who signed the petition (ok).  But either way.  Thank God.  We (team GOOD) won another one, countless more to go.  Great job to all involved, especially the child who spread the WORD.

Bless and Praise Jah :) 7/23 AMEN

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Don't Ask Me Where I've Been - WAY DOWN

17 And the effect of righteousness will be PEACE, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust FOREVER  (Isaiah 32:17)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Now?

Yeah, I'm happy with the ex-FBI findings of child abuse cover-ups at Penn State but what now?

What about the judges, the DA's, who were Penn State alumni who helped with the cover ups?  Will they be exposed?  Will they lose their jobs?  Will they lose their pensions?  Doubtful.

So yes I am happy this horrible secret society of sorts is being exposed, but not happy enough.  What about someone like me who had/has to battle these monsters?  I'm losing my house over my mere protecting of my child.  What about those who had even less than I did to begin with?  WHAT ABOUT US?????????

And please let it be known, Children and Youth were great, they did their job, my local PD did their job, it was the judges (not all but certainly two) who failed us and unless I can get out of here within the year, will probably fail us again.  As I now really will have NOTHING to spend for attorney fees for my child's protection.  And if you think I am making a mountain out of a molehill, just remember, before this Sandusky shit broke, and it was merely rumor, a rumor which mind you was scoffed, well....let's just say, what was that rumor.  Oh yes!  That Second Mile was pimping out kids to the highest donors.  WELL, which county routinely gave THE most to the Second Mile.....again drum roll please, LANCASTER COUNTY.  Toppled that with the fact that the person with whom my child's rapist lives with is a well known purveyor of perversions, if you catch my drift (and a drug dealer, BUT also a legit biz man -words from the cops).

So, for me to be angry, is justified.  For me to feel that those who presided over my court battles, and those who ordered the criminal charges dropped on my child's rapist (again, who would have such a power of authority.....maybe the head of judges, just saying) are connected to helping perpetrate this obscene cover-up isn't as far fetched as one would like to presume.

I, at this point would be happy to see these men (and women) have their faces, shamed, their families left broke, even destitute and I would like for all the children still stuck being used as sex objects for the rich, SAVED, as indeed my child is (for now).

I just wish that all of you could just come with me to the victim witness room for one day, to hear the stories of other parents, who are in similar situation.  Situations so preposterous you wouldn't believe them.  But their stories are all true. And might I say after listening to their stories and what they've been through and are still going through, you too would be so outraged you'd probably want to burn down the whole courthouse (but I must give it to the Lord, as I promised Him yesterday.  I hand them over to Him -Praise Jah a.k.a Praise God).  And lastly, I pray nothing of this sort ever happens to you.

Thank you and GODBLESS

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We Reap What We Sow

I'm sure everyone has heard of the influx of "zombie" attacks.  People high on bath salts or on synthetic marijuana going nuts.  But here's the thing, the only reason herb is illegal and very much public enemy #1 (as more than half of all arrests yearly are for herb, more than rape, robbery, crack possession, etc) is because if it were to become legal, as it should be, it would truly become free.  Free because anyone could grow it.  And it's not called "Weed" without reason, as it when unleashed can grow in abundance.  Good.

So here's my take, 'they" the big pharm companies, wanted to get their pay from this, so rather then free the cannabis plant, the sought to make their own, albeit a synthetic one (and we know how well that worked out with their opium -which is methadone and FAR worse for a human body than opium...try kicking from both, then talk to me).  But here's the thing, there will ALWAYS be more than enough people who will not ever use something natural like herb, but will ONLY use what the pharm companies are shilling to them.  So what's the big deal???  It's boils down to pure greed.  And really, how much money is enough????

With that said, let me leave you with a notion that I like to share with my fellow classmates, all former military who hate, and I mean HATE the Muslims because they are "terrorists."

"If we are so worried about the "terrorists," why?  Surely not because we fear of being converted, so then it's we fear of them killing us.  Well, let's compare side by side, deaths attributed to "terrorist" attacks since say 2001, and death attributed to pharmaceuticals.  Exactly.  Big Pharmecueticals have been killing us off in DROVES, on our soil, and NO ONE bats an eye.  It is to the degree that accidental prescribed  drug overdose deaths now  areTHE #1 cause of accidental deaths for adults in almost all of our states, far surpassing car accidents and accidental deaths from guns.  So wouldn't that make the pharmaceutical companies the true terrorists??"  

Usually, no one can say a thing afterward, and I've written so many papers on it, so I have the CDC reports to back up what it is I am saying.

People need to wake the fuck up.  Or don't, but how about you let me legally smoke my herb, or eat it, or ingest it how I may.  And I won't harp on you for killing yourself with synthetics. And as well, if I choose to forgo Western Medicine, which upsets you, how about you again, mind your own beeswax, as it doesn't bother me in the slightest that you run to the doctor for every hiccup.  Because if you don't stop soon, I am going to have to school you, as it's been YOU who've allowed them to do this to all of us.  With your blindly doing as you were told, never once, thinking for yourself.  I honestly, I resent that.  God gave us minds, please, for Godsake......let's start to use them.

"Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand and says, "don't you see."" -tgd

Thank you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jaycee Duggard

I'd like to take a moment to talk about someone whom I deem a true hero.  Maybe even more.  You see, I'd recommend her book as required reading to all girls, women and especially mother's, as gross at times as it may be, it's raw and it's the truth.  And the truth , "ain't" always pretty.

But what I'd really like to talk about is something my youngest said to me the other day on a walk.  We were walking and we passed an old church that had been converted over time into a home.  And we started talking about organized religion, and how men have tainted it, when she said that she feels Christ lives mostly within us women.  She said that, "women are the true beacons of God's love and His light."  It does make sense, I mean, we are the stronger of the sexes, we are much more multi-faceted then men are.  We can clearly think things through on a deeper and clearer level then men can, and we, like animals have a sick inner sixth sense, a grace if you will, that we've been trained and taught to loose.  But it got me thinking about Jaycee Duggard.   In her book, where she talks about how she felt and the things that she was thinking about in the days and years after her abduction, and one thing stuck out to me, she said, "better he do what he was doing, to me (her) she knew she had the strength to take it.  And she'd rather that, then he do it to some other child who couldn't."  It chokes me up to even write that, but how much more Christ like can one get???  She gave up of herself for the sake of others, Godbless.

But the kicker, her name, Jaycee - JC - Jesus Christ.

Now I'm not saying she is THE one, but what I am saying is there is the capability of Christ being within all of us, especially us women.  And let it not be lost or forgotten that it was the power of two women's guts which saved her, after countless times men failed her.  Not to mention (I've tried out for the force, I had a momentary lapse of reason, but filled with good intention, I wanted to bust those who make, distribute and profit from child pornography....but truth be told  I'd go even MORE nuts if I had to have my eyes see those sort of images.  I just couldn't), anyway, in the Police handbook it states that on Domestic calls, one is NOT allowed to "go with their gut."  But Thank GOD women forwent that stupid philosophy or we wouldn't be sitting here talking about one of the most important figures from this millennium.  Ms. Duggard's words must not be forgotten.  Everyone should read what she said.

Thank you for reading, and please Let's all try to be peaceful with one another.
