I'd like to take a moment to talk about someone whom I deem a true hero. Maybe even more. You see, I'd recommend her book as required reading to all girls, women and especially mother's, as gross at times as it may be, it's raw and it's the truth. And the truth , "ain't" always pretty.
But what I'd really like to talk about is something my youngest said to me the other day on a walk. We were walking and we passed an old church that had been converted over time into a home. And we started talking about organized religion, and how men have tainted it, when she said that she feels Christ lives mostly within us women. She said that, "women are the true beacons of God's love and His light." It does make sense, I mean, we are the stronger of the sexes, we are much more multi-faceted then men are. We can clearly think things through on a deeper and clearer level then men can, and we, like animals have a sick inner sixth sense, a grace if you will, that we've been trained and taught to loose. But it got me thinking about Jaycee Duggard. In her book, where she talks about how she felt and the things that she was thinking about in the days and years after her abduction, and one thing stuck out to me, she said, "better he do what he was doing, to me (her)...as she knew she had the strength to take it. And she'd rather that, then he do it to some other child who couldn't." It chokes me up to even write that, but how much more Christ like can one get??? She gave up of herself for the sake of others, Godbless.
But the kicker, her name, Jaycee - JC - Jesus Christ.
Now I'm not saying she is THE one, but what I am saying is there is the capability of Christ being within all of us, especially us women. And let it not be lost or forgotten that it was the power of two women's guts which saved her, after countless times men failed her. Not to mention (I've tried out for the force, I had a momentary lapse of reason, but filled with good intention, I wanted to bust those who make, distribute and profit from child pornography....but truth be told I'd go even MORE nuts if I had to have my eyes see those sort of images. I just couldn't), anyway, in the Police handbook it states that on Domestic calls, one is NOT allowed to "go with their gut." But Thank GOD women forwent that stupid philosophy or we wouldn't be sitting here talking about one of the most important figures from this millennium. Ms. Duggard's words must not be forgotten. Everyone should read what she said.
Thank you for reading, and please Let's all try to be peaceful with one another.
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