Sunday, July 22, 2012


Has anyone else read this?  A young girl in Louisville, Kentucky is under the THREAT of going to jail all because she ousted her rapists AFTER they were given a sweet plea deal by the DA.

Now.....these kids were all at a party together, when the child in question passed out drunk.  And when she was passed out, these two underage PUNKS had sex with her, AND documented the crime.  The child in question didn't find out until MONTHS later as she came across some of the incriminating pics.  #1, CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!!!  #2, MY child's rapist did the same, exact thing to me.....and he then went on to rape HIS OWN CHILD.  So guess what, this wasn;t just kids being kids, or boys being boys.  These are possible pedophiles in the making AND as well they are already RAPISTS before their 18th birthday, the pieces of shits.

If this child is jailed for speaking the truth and for outing these monsters, we must protest.  I certainly will, and I know of five other girls and women ready to roll.

I am tired of the victims pushed to feel shame and to "keep it quite" all in the name of protecting the perps.  The punk rapists should feel shamed, the judge should be ashamed, the DA should be ashamed and the defendants attorney's should be ashamed.  BUT, sadly far too often than not, out judicial system protects the rights more of the defendant than that of the victim.  And its a GODDAMN shame that must end.

May Godbless this child.  And girl, I salute you.  You've got a lot of people who have your back, and YES what you did was right.

WE can NEVER quote this Bob Marley line enough, "The truth is an offence, but not a sin.  Is he(or she) who laughs last, is he (or she) who wins."  Our time has come.   Love to you ( all the vic's who have been shitted on by our failed system) and stay strong.



The contempt charges have been dropped against this child, and the defendants attorney said it had NOTHING to do with the 62000 people who signed the petition (ok).  But either way.  Thank God.  We (team GOOD) won another one, countless more to go.  Great job to all involved, especially the child who spread the WORD.

Bless and Praise Jah :) 7/23 AMEN

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